Goodnight BabyGirl - March 23, 2020
Hi my Beautiful BabyGirl. i miss You. more than i will EVER be able to say or express. and as my Heart continues to break, and will continue to shatter, i will continue to seek the Positive things in this world. i will FOREVER look and seek the Good in people and in Life. and i will FOREVER have YOU to thank for that...
You taught Daddy to slow down. to be patient. to say nice things, even when Daddy is hurt. to ALWAYS look for the “good” and the “positive” in Life, and in People. Daddy will NEVER be able to express how Proud i am of You... Daddy is trying, with ALL of my Soul and my Strength to see, and focus on the “good”. but right now, it is so hard. almost impossible...
i think about You, every second, of everyday. every place i go. every thing i see. every single thing i smell. every single thing i hear. when my eyes are closed, and when they are open... EVERY. SINGLE. THING in Daddy’s world, makes me think, reminds me, and helps me SEE You BabyGirl. Daddy needs to see YOU BabyGirl... Daddy’s Heart hurts Beautiful. i need You...
I Love You my Precious Angel, and i felt Your Angel Kisses today, and Your softest whispers, telling me to “Smile Daddy, I am so Proud of you...” i needed that BabyGirl. more than You will EVER know...
please, give me “Easy Kisses” tonight BabyGirl. Daddy needs them...
Jesus, please say our Prayers with my BabyGirl, & tuck her in tight for Daddy...
with EVERY beat, & EVERY ounce of Daddy’s Heart, I Love You BabyGirl...